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Font Size Sets

Create sets of font sizes that will appear in the font size dropdown in custom toolbars and can be assigned to users or content.

Create a new font size set, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Font Size Sets.
  2. Click +New.
  3. Enter a name for the set.
    • When assigning a font size set to a toolbar, choices are listed by name.
  4. Enter a font size and unit of measurement.
  5. Click Add Size to add up to seven font sizes.
    • Define the smallest size first, as that appears the top of the list.
  6. To remove a font size, click X.
  7. Click Save.

Edit an existing font size set, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Font Size Sets.
  2. Click the name of the font size set.
  3. In the "Edit Font Size Set" box, edit font size.
  4. Click Save.

Delete an existing font size set, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Font Size Sets.
  2. Click the More Actions More Actions menu menu for the set.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. In the "Delete" box, click Delete.

Deleting a font size set permanently removes it from the system. Any toolbars using that font size set returns to using the default.

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