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Job Market Outlook Appearance Profiles Field Descriptions

Field/Option Name



Enter a name for the Job Market Outlook Appearance Settings. This name will be displayed under the Name column on the Job Market Outlook Staff View page.



Select to display or hide the entire Title from the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. This is especially useful if a school administrator decides to embed it away from the top of the page. Set to Visible by default.

Geographical Region

Default Region

Select the default geographical region of job market data that prospects, and students will see in the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. The options are restricted to the country for which the school is licensed.

Lock to Default Region

Select this option to show data in the school's default region only. This will prevent prospects and students from searching for job market data in other geographical areas in that country.

Salary Range



Select to include the salary range on the Job Market Outlook. Selected by default.


Determines what salary percentile is used to determine salary figures in the Top Occupations by Income content block and Average Salary.

Select to show salary figures for entry to senior-level prospects. Possible salary percentile values are:

  • 10th
  • 25th
  • 50th (selected by default)
  • 75th
  • 90th

For example, if a school chooses to use the 25th salary percentile, the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information will show salary information of the bottom 25th percentile of earners employed in the occupations related to the selected certificate. This means that the ‘Average Salary’ content (as described above) will display the average salary of the bottom 25th percentile of earners.



Select to display or hide the entire Overview content block from the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. Set to Visible by default.

Currently Employed

Select to display or hide the Currently Employed data from the Overview. Selected by default.

Average Salary

Select to display or hide the Average Salary data from the Overview. Selected by default.

Current Job Postings

Select to display or hide the Current Job Postings data from the Overview. Selected by default.

Employment Trends


Select to display or hide the entire Employment Trends content block from the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. Set to Visible by default.

Past Growth

Select to display or hide Past Growth data in the Employment Trends content block. Selected by default.

Years of Past Growth

Select the number of years of past employment growth to display (up to 3 years) in the Employment Trends content block.

Projected Growth

Select to display or hide Projected Growth data in the Employment Trends content block. Selected by default.

Years of Projected Growth

Select the number of years of projected growth to display (up to 7 years) in the Employment Trends content block.

Top Occupations by Income


Select to display or hide the entire Top Occupations by Income content block from the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. Set to Visible by default.

Default Count

Select the maximum number of occupations to display in the Top Occupations by Income content block (maximum number is eight.)

Schools can have up to 75 occupations related to an Occupation Group so that all occupation salary and job data are included in the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. The top eight highest-salaried occupations in a group will be displayed.

Display Salary

Select to include the salary figure next to each occupation in the Top Occupations by Income content block. Selected by default.

Career And Program Explorer URL

Enter the Career and Program Explorer absolute URL to link the Job Market Outlook widget to the Career and Program Explorer page. If this link is provided a Read More link will be added to the occupation description under the Top Occupations by Income section in the Job Market Outlook Widget.

Call to Action (CTA)


Select to display or hide the entire Call to Action section from the Pathways: Job Market Outlook information. This section will allow prospects and students to contact the school for more information.


The message to display above the CTA button.

Button Text

The CTA button text.

Button Link

The link location for the CTA button.

This can be configured to link to Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education’s Certificate Inquiry Workflow or with any third-party lead capture product.

To configure the button to link to the Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education inquiry form, use the following URL:



Default Font

The default font to be used in all school PPWs.

Theme Color

The color to be used in all Pathways: Job Market Outlook instances for all programs and certificates. This sets the color for all charts, figures, the border, and the title area.

Custom CSS Path

The URL of any custom CSS you want to use for this instance of the JMO widget. A starter CSS override file is available for download to get started from the embed page in the Staff View.

Note: The JMO widget can also be displayed in full width. To see a full width CSS example please use the refer to the notes in the starter CSS file.

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