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Page Tagging

Unique tags beginning with <ouc: are used in TMPL and PCF files, in the file source code, as part of the ouc namespace that Modern Campus has defined specifically for Modern Campus CMS. By defining editable elements, these tags build the structure of the page in terms of what content users can edit, and where.

Modern Campus CMS TagsLink to this section

The following tags are unique to Modern Campus CMS: <ouc:div>, <ouc:properties>, <parameters>, <ouc:editor><ouc:multiedit>, and <ouc:ob>. You may encounter legacy tags that use and HTML comment syntax such as <!-- com.omniupdate.div --> or <!-- ouc:div -->. These comment tags require opening and closing comments to work. They are still recognized by Modern Campus CMS but are no longer encouraged for use.

These tags define a specific type of editable element:

  • <ouc:div>: region dividers, editable region content
    • <ouc:editor>: WYSIWYG editor type and any specific styling, used within <ouc:div>
    • <ouc:multiedit>: MultiEdit content, used within <ouc:div>
  • <ouc:properties>: standard page parameters (title, metadata, tags)
    • <parameters>: custom parameters, used within <ouc:properties>

This tag defines the location of the DirectEdit link:

  • <ouc:ob>: wrap the location where the DirectEdit link will be inserted. Any text inside this tag will be ignored.

When building a template, it is up to you to decide how to translate design elements into editable elements. Each editing type is best suited for a different kind of content.

  • Page properties work best for editing page layout and other options that affect the page structure or the page content as a whole.
  • MultiEdit should be used for editing specific page content that needs to conform to a certain structure.
  • Editable regions allow for freely editable content.

Other editable content options include:

  • Restricting editing to source code only. Insert wysiwyg="no" into the <ouc:editor node.
  • Automatically opening an asset or image gallery chooser when the edit button is clicked. Insert wysiwyg="gallery" into the <ouc:editor node.

Echo VariablesLink to this section

In TMPL files, placeholder tags called echo variables represent places where data in the PCF will be inserted.

<!--%echo var="title" -->

These are used in conjunction with form-based editing options, such as page properties. Each question or form element has a variable associated with it. When a user creates or edits a PCF, their input is inserted where the echo variable that matches the question's variable is.

In the following example, two echo variables are being used for the page title and description. These variables capture the form input data the editor adds for both of these properties respectively.

<ouc:properties label="metadata">
<title><!--%echo var="title" --></title>
<meta name="Description" content="<!--%echo var="description" -->" />

The following is an example of what editors would see in the PCF source file after filling out the page title and description form fields. Notice the echo placeholder tags have been replaced.

<ouc:properties label="metadata">
<title>Clubs &amp; Organizations</title>
<meta name="Description" content="From sports to community service organizations, Gallena University offers the best in clubs &amp; organizations." />

You can modify either the tags on a TMPL, to affect all files created from that TMPL going forward, or you can edit the tags on existing PCFs to just affect those pages. However, there is no way to edit a source file that automatically updates or affects all existing PCFs.

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