Career Pathways Release Notes
Attributions1Link to this section
1Find license files in the Pathways code where the utility is used.
Pathways 2025.1 (January 27, 2025)Link to this section
- Updated geographical locations for the U.S. are now available for selection in Job Market Outlook Appearance Profiles and Career and Program Explorer settings.
Pathways 2024.3 (November 13, 2024)Link to this section
- Enjoy better performance across all administrative interfaces and public widgets.
Pathways 2024.2 (August 14, 2024)Link to this section
- Enjoy improved accessibility for icons throughout the Job Market Outlook and Career and Program Explorer.
Pathways 2023.3 (August 15, 2023)Link to this section
- For Canada-based customers, use Canadian Occupations to NOC 2021 codes instead of NOC 2016 codes.
Pathways 2023.2 (May 16, 2023)Link to this section
- Ability to add tags to your Pathways Programs and utilize those tags to apply pre-filtering in the Career and Program Explorer.
Pathways 2022.2.0.3 (November 3, 2022)Link to this section
- See minor changes in the interface—including updating our data partner's name and logo to reflect their new brand, Lightcast.
- Enjoy improved optimizations for SEO and accessibility.
- You will now see current, rather than cached, job data.
Pathways 2022.2 (March 21, 2022)Link to this section
- When using the Career and Program Explorer Search, see a search result page with career results based upon relevancy instead of being navigated directly to the overview of a single career.
Pathways 2021.3.1.1 (January 28, 2022)Link to this section
- Fixed an issue that prevented loading of the Salary tab graph on the Career and Program Explorer when the locale was not specified.
Pathways 2021.3.1 (January 19, 2022)Link to this section
- Update occupations and groups to the latest job market outlook data (2019) from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- Occupations Groups shares a similar editing experience for Destiny One and Omni CMS (coming to Omni CMS in 2022.1).
- Export Occupation Groups and Programs when using the shared editing experience.
- Import program data from Omni CMS or Destiny One.
- Change the salary percentile (salary range) in the Job Market Outlook for the web visitor. You can enable this option per appearance profile.
- Use custom CSS in Job Market Outlook Appearance Profiles. In Appearance Profiles, download the starter CSS file, including a full-width CSS example.
- Show more occupations, if applicable, in the Job Market Outlook.
- The Job Market Outlook Embed Code editing screen is now a similar editing experience for Destiny One and Omni CMS.
- Get even better accessibility in the Career and Program Explorer and Pathways configuration pages.
- See the Job Market Outlook Overview clearly in smaller content areas.
- The Job Market Outlook will now load correctly if the geographical region does not have a title.
- See better error messaging in the Career and Program Explorer for invalid regions.
- Link to the correct server configuration instructions from the Career and Program Explorer Embed Code.
- When you edit and save Job Market Outlook Appearance Profiles, Programs, and Personas Guides your changes will apply within 60 seconds.
- When saving a Job Market Outlook Appearance Profile, you will no longer have duplicate confirmation messages.
- See the clarified About this data disclaimer in the Career and Program Explorer.
- Improved handling when job employment data does not exist for past and projected years.
Pathways 2021.3 (November 11, 2021)Link to this section
- Display Pathways: Job Market Outlook with different appearance profiles.
- Embed Pathways: Career and Program Explorer (CPE) on your webpage.
- Embed an optional standalone CPE search box on your webpage.
- Embed Pathways: Persona Guides on your webpage.
- Have an optional link to the CPE from Job Market Outlook.
- Translate the text in the CPE and Persona Guides to English, Canadian French, or Mexican Spanish.
- Enjoy better performance for Job Market Outlook.
- Removal of unused codes option when retrieving job market data.
Pathways 2021.2.3 (August 05, 2021)Link to this section
- When you change the location in the Job Market Outlook, you will now see an indication that the new location is loading.
Pathways 2021.2.2 (July 30, 2021)Link to this section
- Improved performance to Job Market Outlook when managing large amounts of data.
Pathways 2021.2.1 (July 22, 2021)Link to this section
- A Job Market Outlook title with encoded HTML characters will be translated correctly.
Pathways 2021.2 (July 07, 2021)Link to this section
- Find occupation codes using occupations group code with our new API.
- Experience better performance when you retrieve Job Market Outlook data using occupation codes.
- A new button appears in the Pathways: Job Market Outlook location search field for end users to grant their web browser permission to provide their current location.
- Translate the text in the Job Market Outlook to English, Canadian French, or Mexican Spanish.
- Enjoy better responsiveness with the overview section stacked vertically on smaller screens instead of scrolling left to right.
Pathways 2021.1.1 (April 27, 2021)Link to this section
- Standardized API paths for retrieving job market data, appearance settings, and occupation groups.
- New API created for retrieving client info.
Pathways 2021.1 (March 02, 2021)Link to this section
- Display multiple Pathways: Job Market Outlook instances on your webpage.
- Change how the job market data is presented.
- Create your own Occupation Groups for the job market data.
- Search for job market data for various locations.
- Have an optional call to action message and link near the job market data to capture interest.