Career Pathways Tags for CMS
Tags can be applied to Pathways Programs to pre-filter the Career and Program Explorer. Pathways does not have any default tags and do not mix with the CMS Tags. Users with access can also create their own Pathways Tags.
CreateLink to this section
- Go to Add-Ons > Pathways > Tags.
- Click +New.
- Provide a Tag Name.
- Click Save.
EditLink to this section
- Go to Add-Ons > Pathways > Tags.
- Click the More Actions
menu for the given Tag that you want to edit.
- Click Save.
DeleteLink to this section
You can delete tags. If a tag is in use on a Career and Program Explorer, recreate the embed code before deleting the tag.
- Go to Add-Ons > Pathways > Tags.
- Click the More Actions menu for the given Tag that you want to delete.
- Click Delete.