Catalog Connectors
Style and publish catalog content in Modern Campus CMS using the CMS Snap Display Connector for Extended Education or the CMS Snap Display Connector for Catalog. Prebuilt Layout Builder tiles allow you to pull catalog pages into Modern Campus CMS that always have the latest data for courses, certificates, program areas, and program streams. You can also use the connectors without Layout Builder.
Get StartedLink to this section
The first step in setting up the catalog connector is to ensure your catalog data in either Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education or Modern Campus Catalog is complete.
Then, Modern Campus will enable the catalog connector on your Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education or Modern Campus Catalog system and configure your Modern Campus CMS system to pull catalog data from it.
Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education and Modern Campus Catalog will continue to be the system of record for catalog information. Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education's transactional platform will continue to power the shopping cart, checkout, information requests, authentication, and constituent portals.
After your implementation, you can use the catalog tiles, layouts, and pages for any content you like, including the following:
- Modern Campus Catalog Course (formerly (Acalog Course)
- Modern Campus Catalog Course List (formerly Acalog Course List)
- Modern Campus Catalog Program (formerly Acalog Program)
- Modern Campus Catalog Program List (formerly Acalog Program List)
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Certificate Search and Results
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Certificate Profile
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Course Search and Results
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Course and Section Profile
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Program Areas and Streams (index pages)
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Program Stream Profile
- Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Program Area Profile
Place CMS Snap Display Connector for Catalog information on the full page or on a portion of the page. CMS Snap Display Connector for Extended Education information requires the full page.
Next StepsLink to this section
You can customize your CMS Snap Display Connector for Extended Education or CMS Snap Display Connector for Catalog catalog connectors using Layout Builder tiles and then personalize your catalog content for visitors using Personalization. Create a Personalization campaign to track returning visitors and show more personalized content in catalog pages with each visit.
Disable the Connector (Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education)Link to this section
Turn the catalog connector off by removing the Modern Campus CMS redirect URL from the Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education Configuration Editor.