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CMS Snap Display Connector for Catalog 2024.1

With the release of 2024.1, CMS Snap Display Connector for Catalog allows you to hide data for courses and programs. Connectors implemented after this release will contain these features.

If your connector was implemented before this release, these instructions will guide you through the updates. Contact our CMS Support Team for assistance with these changes.

New NamesLink to this section

Rename your Components or Tiles to align with new product names, as follows:

Previous NameNew Name
Acalog CourseModern Campus Catalog Course
Acalog Course ListModern Campus Catalog Course List
Acalog ProgramModern Campus Catalog Program
Acalog Program ListModern Campus Catalog Program List

ComponentsLink to this section

Update your connector components for Courses and Programs to see new options for the pages that use the components.

Hide Course Title and Description

  1. Go to Content > Components.
  2. Click to edit your Course component.
  3. Navigate to Form Elements.
  4. Add a radio button element.
    • Label: Hide Title
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the course title.
    • Required: No
    • Items: Yes, No (default)
  5. Go to the Advanced tab.
    • For Yes, set the Value to true
    • For No, set the Value to false
  6. Click Save.
  7. Add another radio button element.
    • Label: Hide Description
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the course description.
    • Required: No
    • Items: Yes, No (default)
  8. Go to the Advanced tab.
    • For Yes, set the Value to true
    • For No, set the Value to false
  9. Click Save.

Next, edit the source code to display the form content.

  1. Inside the opening <course> tag, after the name attribute, add the following attributes:
    • hide-title=""
    • hide-description=""
  2. Drag the Hide Title Form Element from the source toolbar to the source editor, into the attribute hide-title="".
  3. Drag the Hide Description Form Element from the source toolbar to the source editor, into the attributehide-description="".
    • The source of the component should match the following:
      <course name="[Name]" hide-title="[Hide Title]" hide-description="[Hide Description]"><course>
  4. Save and Launch the component.


Hide Program Title, Description, and Cores

  1. Go to Content > Components.
  2. Click to edit your Program component.
  3. Navigate to Form Elements.
  4. Add a radio button element.
    • Label: Hide Title
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the program title.
    • Required: No
    • Items: Yes, No (default)
  5. Go to the Advanced tab.
    • For Yes, set the Value to true
    • For No, set the Value to false
  6. Click Save.
  7. Add another radio button element.
    • Label: Hide Description
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the program description.
    • Required: No
    • Items: Yes, No (default)
  8. Go to the Advanced tab.
    • For Yes, set the Value to true
    • For No, set the Value to false
  9. Click Save.
  10. Add another radio button element.
    • Label: Hide Cores
    • Helper Text: Select to hide program cores.
    • Required: No
    • Items: Yes, No (default)
  11. Go to the Advanced tab.
    • For Yes, set the Value to true
    • For No, set the Value to false
  12. Click Save.

Next, edit the source code to display the form content.

  1. Inside the opening <course> tag, after the name attribute, add the following attributes:
    • hide-title=""
    • hide-description=""
    • hide-cores=""
  2. Drag the Hide Title Form Element from the source toolbar to the source editor, into the attribute hide-title="".
  3. Drag the Hide Description Form Element from the source toolbar to the source editor, into the attributehide-description="".
  4. Drag the Hide Course Form Element from the source toolbar to the source editor, into the attribute hide-cores="".
    • The source of the component should match the following:
      <program name="[Name]" hide-title="[Hide Title]" hide-description="[Hide Description]" hide-cores="[Hide Cores]"></program>
  5. Save and Launch the component.

Layout Builder TilesLink to this section

Update your connector Tiles for Courses and Programs as follows to see new options for the pages (Layout Control Files [LCFs]) that use these tiles:

Hide Course Title and Description

  1. Go to Content > Layout Builder > Tiles.
  2. Click to edit your Course tile.
  3. Inside the opening <course> tag, after the name attribute, add the following attributes:
    • hide-title=""
    • hide-description=""
  4. Place your cursor inside of the hide-title attribute.
  5. In the HTML toolbar, click Insert Element.
  6. In the Edit Element box, enter information in the form fields, as follows:
    • Label: Hide Title
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the course title.
    • Items:
      • Display Name: Yes Value: true
      • Display Name: No (default) Value: false 
  7. Click Save to exit the editor.
  8. Place your cursor inside of the hide-description attribute.
  9. In the HTML toolbar, click Insert Element.
  10. In the Edit Element box, enter information in the form fields, as follows:
    • Label: Hide Description
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the course description.
    • Items:
      • Display Name: Yes Value: true
      • Display Name: No (default) Value: false 
  11. Click Save to exit the editor.
    • The source code of the tile should match the following:
      source code for course tile using form elements (pills) to hide title and description.
  12. Save and Launch the tile.
  13. Go to Layouts.
  14. Launch the layouts that use that tile.

Hide Program Title, Description, and Cores

  1. Go to Content > Layout Builder > Tiles.
  2. Click to edit your Program tile.
  3. Inside the opening <program> tag, after the name attribute, add the following attributes:
    • hide-title=""
    • hide-description=""
    • hide-cores=""
  4. Place your cursor inside of the hide-title attribute.
  5. In the HTML toolbar, click Insert Element.
  6. In the Edit Element box, enter information in the form fields, as follows:
    • Label: Hide Title
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the program title.
    • Items:
      • Display Name: Yes Value: true
      • Display Name: No (default) Value: false
  7. Click Save to exit the editor.
  8. Place your cursor inside of the hide-description attribute.
  9. In the HTML toolbar, click Insert Element.
  10. In the Edit Element box, enter information in the form fields, as follows:
    • Label: Hide Description
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the program description.
    • Items:
      • Display Name: Yes Value: true
      • Display Name: No (default) Value: false 
  11. Click Save to exit the editor.
  12. Place your cursor inside of the hide-cores attribute.
  13. In the HTML toolbar, click Insert Element.
  14. In the Edit Element box, enter information in the form fields, as follows:
    • Label: Hide Description
    • Helper Text: Determine if you want to hide the program cores.
    • Items:
      • Display Name: Yes Value: true
      • Display Name: No (default) Value: false 
  15. Click Save to exit the editor.
    • The source code of the tile should match the following:
      source code for program tile using form elements (pills) to hide title, hide description, and hide cores
  16. Save and Launch the tile.
  17. Go to Layouts.
  18. Launch the layouts that use that tile.

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