CMS Training Tuesday
The next Training Tuesday will be held on February 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM PT on the topic of Leveraging Versions and Scheduled Actions.In this Training Tuesday, we are going to show you how to leverage CMS tools for more efficient content management.
Recordings of Training Tuesday sessions are publicly available within a day of the live session, and have closed captions provided within a week of the live session. View the album of all sessions, or browse our archive below for a specific training.
2025Link to this section
In this Training Tuesday, we dive into all the reporting tools in Modern Campus CMS. This webinar is suitable for any level user, but has a particular focus on how administrators can effectively utilize reports.
2024Link to this section
In this Training Tuesday, we are going to take a look at creating and updating Snippets.
In this Training Tuesday, we will review the 3 Elements available in Pathways, a tool to provide guidance and insight into the careers students can pursue with the education they receive at your school.
September 2024 PowerPoint Slides
In this Training Tuesday you'll get a chance to hear directly from our Modern Campus CMS Product Team.
Content editors play a crucial role in maintaining website accessibility. In this Training Tuesday, we will review what accessibility is and who it impacts, while also gaining guidance on using CMS tools effectively to enhance accessibility. Techniques covered include adding alternative text to images, ensuring correct heading structure, creating accessible links, and testing content for compliance with accessibility standards.
In this Training Tuesday, we going to get to experience Modern Campus CMS from the perspective of every user level from 0 to 10.
This Training Tuesday session will provide participants with the tools to implement a structured workflow process, enabling editors to submit content for approval for publication in order to maintain content quality and accessibility standards on your website.
In this Training Tuesday, we are going to take a look at the newest updates to the CMS, including Calendar advanced RSVP and categories and our new Responsive Preview.
Insights is a powerful reporting tool that can be purchased as an add-on to your Modern Campus CMS account. During this Training Tuesday we will look at how the Insights tool is used and review some of the data gathered by the report, which is used to score your site in areas such as SEO and Accessibility.
In this month's Training Tuesday, we will review editing and troubleshooting using developer tools with the CMS.
Now that we have rung in the new year, it might be time to go through your website and clean up some of the unused pages and files that have been accumulating in your folders. In this month's Training Tuesday session, we will review how to utilize reports and reminders to weed out stale or unpublished content, as well as inactive users, and more.
2023Link to this section
Are you looking for ideas on how to train your content editors to enhance their skills in the CMS? Do you want to refresh your current training curriculum? In this training, we will share best practices for effective content editor training.
Have you ever thought it would be cool for your work day to be a little more like Batman or Inspector Gadget's? Well for next month's Training Tuesday, on Halloween, we are going to explore the various gadgets in Modern Campus CMS that make your work as a content editor that much easier. We will cover how to customize what gadgets are at your disposal, how to use many of them, and for any Admins in attendance how to manage access to the gadgets that are on your account. It's scary how much you will learn.
Would you like to have a bit more control over what your content editors are able to do? In this Training Tuesday, we'll explore the various tools administrators can utilize to manage what content editors are creating and editing.
Your LDP implementation probably came with some unique styling to match your site design, but did you know you can further customize the look and display of your forms? In this training, we will discuss how to build and customize your LDP forms.
Let's explore the latest way to manage your website breadcrumbs after the release of Modern Campus CMS 2023.2.1. We will review where to manage these and how to integrate them into your PCF/XSL and Layout Builder.
Reusable content is a feature of Modern Campus CMS that adds both convenience and expanded functionality and formatting to your website editing experience. In this month's Training Tuesday, we will discuss various uses of assets, the structure behind snippets, and an overview of components for the less code fluent.
Create custom designs & rich personalization within your catalog data to attract and engage modern learners and save staff time by automatically publishing updated catalog content onto your website with the CMS Snap Display Connector for Catalog.
In today's world, web users expect a more personalized experience as they browse the internet. The same should be true when they visit your College's site. With Personalization in Modern Campus CMS, the power to create dynamic personalized content is made possible, and there is a free version of this powerful tool available to every Modern Campus CMS customer. In this session, we will dive into the possibilities available with Personalization.
When a crisis comes there is only a small window in which word needs to get out before it's too late. Did you know that Modern Campus CMS has a module that allows schools to be prepared for doing just that? In this Training Tuesday, we'll dive into Emergency Alerts, the module that allows you to quickly post custom announcements, warnings, and alerts front and center on your website.
2022Link to this section
This workshop provides a basic overview of components and how they can be leveraged to output complex HTML that is not easily managed within the WYSIWYG. In this course, you will take some common HTML outputs that typically require special handling and create components to generate these outputs without the need for any supplemental code.
Regardless of your user level in Modern Campus CMS or your role in editing and maintaining your school's website, there are many tools, tips, and tricks that you can utilize to make your job easier while in the CMS.
This session will go beyond the basics covered in a Monthly Orientation session to go over some of the features, tabs, and gadgets in Modern Campus CMS that can support your daily tasks, from managing files, workflows, scheduled actions, and more.
This session will also clarify some details about user level differences where appropriate, all the way up to administrator levels, in order to demonstrate how these features differ for different kinds of users.
2021Link to this section
In this Training Tuesday, we'll work through the ins and outs of analyzing an interior page's HTML structure, along with the decision-making process of implementing that code into OU Campus. This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Developers. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of HTML/CSS and familiarity with XML/XSL is a plus.
Find the developer workshop home page mentioned in the video in its new location.
This Training Tuesday we will be showing you how to get the most out of your images and video. Learn how to use the Images and YouTube gadgets as well as doing minor edits on your images. Take full advantage of Image Size Sets and see how to update and image throughout your site. Set your videos to autoplay and see how to format your text around your videos.
In this month's Training Tuesday we will cover how to create and use a custom style sheet to create a preview mode overlay of your web page that will highlight accessibility issues found on the page. This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Developers.
2020Link to this section
Reviewer, Contributor, Editor, Designer and Administrator. These are the different categories of OU Campus users. Join us for our End of the Year Training Tuesday which will focus on the different user permission levels and the additional rights that can be granted to them.
Table transformation snippets are an excellent way to prompt your content editors for input without the risk of havoc wreaked on the design element. Though, sometimes additional guidance and guardrails are needed to ensure the right content is being added. From helper text to preview images to dropdown fields, this webinar will dive into advanced snippet options that will make your, and your content editors, lives even easier.
Watch on Vimeo • PPT Slides • Table Separator Tutorial • Select Lists Tutorial
Let's talk about setting up your accessibility standards in your OU Campus account. We will talk about options in the Setup menu for your site, walk through common accessibility pitfalls and problems, and discuss how to correct common accessibility errors. This webinar will also overview Insights and demonstrate how custom CSS can be used to highlight accessibility errors on a page.
Got sites? Managing content, users, and resources across multiple sites can be a huge undertaking. Join us as we go over helpful tips when administering multiple sites. This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Administrators. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of OU Campus from a content editor or basic administrator perspective.
Directory variables are custom settings applied to folders that modify the content inside the folder. These settings allow you to specify a default image folder, define publish exclusions, and even set custom values for your webpage displays. In this webcast, we'll discuss the default directory variables found in OU Campus as well as detail how to create your own. This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Developers. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of HTML/CSS and familiarity with XML/XSL is a plus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Modern Campus is proud to present their newest version of OU Campus: v11. In this webcast, Software Trainer Paul Warren will present to you the new look of OU Campus, show you how to enable this new look for you and your editors, and review interface changes associated with this version update.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
XSL is the engine behind the OU Campus editing experience. It allows you to turn on and off editable regions, transforms the content in your snippets, and even pulls in include files. In this webcast, we'll review XSL elements that are commonly found in OU Campus implementations. This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Developers. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of HTML/CSS and familiarity with XML/XSL is a plus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Gadgets are little programs that provide additional or streamlined functionality in Modern Campus CMS. This Training Tuesday will cover all Gadgets in Modern Campus CMS, how they are used, best practices associated with the Gadgets, and loading and installing new Gadgets. This webcast is suitable for Modern Campus CMS Editors and Administrators. Attendees should have some familiarity of Modern Campus CMS from an end-user or administrator perspective.
Watch on Vimeo • Modern Campus GitHub • Develop: Custom Gadgets
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
When a webpage is referenced on a social media platform, it is often displayed with a title, description, and image. Wouldn't it be nice if you or your marketing team could define what those should be? That's precisely what Social Media Meta Tags were created for! Senior Technical Support Engineer Robert Kiffe walks you through how you can edit and maintain these tags in OU Campus, giving you the ability to customize your social media appearance.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Now that a new decade has started, it's time to go through your website and clean up some of the unused pages and files that have been accumulating in your folders. In this month's Training Tuesday session, join Software Trainer Paul Warren as he shows you how to utilize reports and reminders to weed out stale or unpublished content, as well as inactive users, and more.
2019Link to this section
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Components are a versatile tool that can handle a vast and flexible amount of designs, limited only by your creativity. In this month's Training Tuesday, learn how to think outside the box and create components for a variety of different use cases. This workshop is suitable for content creators in OU Campus with a basic understanding of HTML.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Running a website is a complicated business, with a myriad of potential tricky situations. In this month's Training Tuesday, learn how to leverage OU Campus to handle common problems and sticking points, from user management to enforcing accessibility to display fixes. Software Trainer Paul Warren will lead this informative session.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Administrators. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of OU Campus from a content editor or basic administrator perspective.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
OU Campus is full of features, and even after your editors have been trained, they may still need additional support. One of the most effective ways to do this is by creating guides and tutorials for your OU Campus users. Software Trainer Billy Woody will lead this month's Training Tuesday session, teaching you how to create guides on style, accessibility, reusable content, and more. This session builds off our Strategies for Training your Editors webcast, available here:
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Administrators. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of OU Campus from a content editor or basic administrator perspective.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Feeling overwhelmed at the idea of getting all your content editors trained on OU Campus? Not sure where to begin? Want to improve your current training curriculum? Join Training Supervisor, Barbara McQuillan, in this Training Tuesday as she shares best practices for getting your editors up to speed.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Administrators. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of OU Campus from a content editor or basic administrator perspective.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
This Training Tuesday, we will go over Web Hooks. By setting a web hook, you can have OU Campus trigger code you write when specified files are published. On file publish, OU Campus sends an HTTP post containing JSON data about the publish to the specified URL. Whatever actions then happen depend on the URL content, what data it is programmed to receive, etc.
This webcast is suitable for developers familiar with server-side code.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Select-lists are a table transformation feature that give content editors dropdown lists of options to choose from when editing. In this Training Tuesday, we will go over how select-lists can be used to enhance the user experience managing data within a table transformation snippet. During this training, we will highlight some useful examples and demonstrate how to add and customize the required code to take advantage of select-list functionality in an OU Campus implementation.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers. Attendees should be familiar with XSL and table transformations.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Configuration files are becoming more and more common in OU Campus, used with modules, RSS feeds, and more. But sometimes, all those options can be a little confusing. Not to worry! Software Trainer Billy Woody will lead this month's session, teaching you all about configuration files and how they work.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus administrators of any level.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Your design may call for complex HTML code, but how to turn that into something users can easily edit? In this Training Tuesday, Senior Technical Support Engineer Robert Kiffe explores how to create advanced components and table-transformation snippets. By combining reusable content for information entry and XSL logic for creating the output, you can make items like contact info callouts, accordions, and more.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers who are familiar with XSL.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Have you ever wondered how to make your XSL more up to date? Explore the realm of possibilities with XSL 3.0's new features and how it could affect your XSL integration. This presentation will cover concepts that include expand-text, function chaining, xsl:mode, and more.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers who are familiar with XSL.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Components, OU Campus' newest feature, can be leveraged to output complex HTML that is not easily managed within the WYSIWYG. In this Training Tuesday session, we will take some common HTML outputs that typically require special handling and create components to generate these outputs without the need for any supplemental code.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers or high-level administrators who are comfortable with HTML.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Components, one of OU Campus' newest features, provide a whole new way of launching reusable content. In this session we'll be covering the basics of how to use components, how to convert your current table transformation snippets into components, and discuss identifying snippets that should not be converted.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers or high-level administrators who are comfortable with HTML. Less technically experienced users will also benefit from an explanation of how components work.
2018Link to this section
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Have you been putting off adding Google Tag Manager or Facebook pixel because you're unsure of how to add it to your templates? Or have you ever been stuck trying to add custom JavaScript or server-side code to certain pages in your site? In this presentation, we will demonstrate and explain the recommended steps for adding custom code snippets to your PCF pages and XSL templates. Whether you are trying to add custom CSS, JS, or even PHP to pages in your site, this session will walk through several techniques to help make these tasks easier to manage. Robert Kiffe, Senior Technical Support Engineer, will lead this presentation.
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers or high-level administrators who are comfortable with HTML.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Your LDP implementation probably came with some unique styling to match your site design, but did you know you can further customize the look and display of your forms? Ever wanted to make a textbox shorter or wider? Ever wanted to put form questions side-by-side on the page? Then join us as we delve into customizing your LDP Form display with columns, fieldsets, field display options and more!
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus developers. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of HTML/CSS and familiarity with XML/XSL is a plus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Is your site content starting to feel more like the wild west than your original site design? Looking for a bit more control over what your content editors are able to do and edit? In this Training Tuesday, we'll jump into the different tools administrators have at their disposal to control what content editors are creating and editing.
This webcast is suitable for high-level administrators.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Managing access in OU Campus often focuses on directory and page access. But did you know, there are all sorts of features in the platform which can accept access settings? In this Training Tuesday, we'll shift the spotlight to examine these additional features including gadget, template, snippet, asset, asset creation and production server access settings. Barbara McQuillan, Software Trainer, will lead this presentation.
This webcast is suitable for high-level administrators.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of OU Campus? What is XSL, how does OU Campus use it, and how do your .pcf files become pages on the web? In this month's Training Tuesday, we'll walk you through the basic mechanics of OU Campus, providing an overview of how it converts your content into your final webpage and allows for the flexibility we sometimes take for granted. Robert Kiffe, Sr. Technical Support Engineer, will be leading this explanatory session.
This webcast is suitable for all user levels, especially Content Editors and Administrators who are new to coding.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
As social media gets more and more integrated into our lives on the web, it's becoming more important that your site is represented well when it's linked on sites like Facebook and Twitter. With that in mind, this month's Training Tuesday is all about Open Graph tags and other forms of social media metadata. Software Trainer Brandon Scheirman will talk about what these tags are, why they're useful, and finally, how to add them to your site so you can start using them too!
This webcast is suitable for OU Campus Advanced Administrators and Developers. Attendees should have a good working knowledge of OU Campus administration, HTML and CSS. Familiarity with XSL is a plus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
When's the last time you evaluated your site's accessibility? Have you considered how to maintain that accessibility going forward? Guidelines often change, and it's important to be aware of not only what's new and what's ahead in the future. Sales Engineer David Morton will cover what's up and coming in accessibility, including the new guidelines for 2018 and how to fix common issues.
This session will touch on topics appropriate for all user levels, from content editors to beginning developers.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Chances are, you've heard of RSS by now, and you've probably even used it on your site in conjunction with news articles or press releases. However, after a few years, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of articles you've created. In April's Training Tuesday session, Software Trainer Brandon Scheirman will show how you can harness the power of archiving your RSS feeds to organize your news, improve load times on your listing pages, and ensure that your items are preserved for as long as you want.
This session is appropriate for level 10 administrators in OU Campus. Familiarity with viewing and editing source code is helpful, but not required knowledge.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
It was a huge undertaking, but you launched your site and are live in OU Campus! Now that all the work is done, you might be thinking about making some design changes. Maybe you want to incorporate a new logo or a new color scheme, or remove a section in your page, or even redesign a portion of your site. You have the design changes all ready; the only question is how do you test out those changes without wrecking your live site? Join us for this month's Training Tuesday as we discuss how to do just that! Software Trainer Barbara McQuillan will be leading this informational session.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
You've probably seen the _resources folder in your site architecture, and you know that it contains a lot of important files for OU Campus, but how in-depth is your knowledge when it comes to what these files and what they do? With this month's Training Tuesday, we aim to de-mystify the _resources folder, explaining what resides in there and what the various types of files are, what they do, and how changes to them will affect your site. Software Trainer Barbara McQuillan will be leading this informational session.
2017Link to this section
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Did you know that you can make custom gadgets for your own use in OU Campus? Custom gadgets have been created that do everything from pick colors to apply metadata to pages. If you're familiar with code and looking to expand what you can do with OU Campus, then join us for an introduction to creating custom gadgets. Web Developer Alok Somani will cover the files needed to create gadgets, interactions with the OU Campus API, and how to install and use your gadget.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Table transformations are a way to dynamically format content on a page, turning simple charts and information into image galleries, accordion displays, and more. In this month's Training Tuesday, Software Trainer Brandon Scheirman will explain the fundamentals of how table transformations work, explain how we build them in today's implementations, and finally guide you in creating a simple table transformation yourselves.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
The work of website design is never done. Even when all your templates are finalized and your website is looking perfect, there's always tweaks and changes to be made. Knowing how CSS works with OU Campus can enable you to make these tweaks yourself. Join Web Developer Akifumi Yamamato as he goes through an overview of CSS interacting with OU Campus, including how to create a custom font style.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Cloning isn't just something that you can do to sheep or read about in science fiction novels. You can clone sites, today, right within OU Campus! This month, Senior Web Technologist Brian Laird will dive into the Site Clone feature available inside the Setup menu. He'll walk you through the process of cloning a site, offer up best practices for when to perform a site clone, and discuss alternatives to site clone, such as Publish Targets.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Includes are an incredibly useful file type in OU Campus, often utilized to make headers, footers, and side navigation. But on first glance, they can be a little tricky to understand. That's why we're making this month's Training Tuesday all about includes. Software Trainer Brandon Scheirman will be giving an in-depth explanation of what includes are, how they work, and how to use them, as well as some common examples in OU Campus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
As web security progresses, having a site served over HTTPS (in which communications between your website and browsers is encrypted) is becoming more and more important. For this month's Training Tuesday we'll be explaining the process of switching your site from HTTP to HTTPS, including the settings that you need to modify in OU Campus. Software Trainer Brandon Scheirman will take you step by step so you can see in detail what needs to be done.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
This month's Training Tuesday will dive into the template files that allow us to create new pages, sections, and other files in OU Campus. Software Trainer Brandon Scheirman will walk through the basic pieces necessary for a new template in the system. Then, he'll apply the concepts learned in the first half of the session to three examples, each building off the last. This Training Tuesday is appropriate for web developers and administrators familiar with the Source Editor in OU Campus. Before attending the training session, consider watching our previous Training Tuesday on this subject as a review.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Over the past couple of months, we've had some exciting new additions to OU Campus with the 10.5 and 10.6 updates. With a new gadget, source code enhancements, changes to the Groups UI, HTTPS options, and more, let's take a look at some of the most recent changes to OU Campus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
As your institution expands and grows, your website will need to change with it. Sometimes, that means creating a whole new site within OU Campus. While it can seem like a daunting and technical process, Senior Web Technician Brian Laird is here to break it down step-by-step and show you how to create and clone sites within OU Campus.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Reusable content is one of OU Campus' unique features that adds both convenience and expanded functionality and formatting to your website editing experience. In this month's Training Tuesday, Senior Web Technician Brian Laird will give an in-depth look at reusable content, including when it's better to use assets versus snippets, how to create and edit snippets, and troubleshooting common issues with reusable content.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Making sure websites are accessible to all users is one of the most important issues in the world of web design, even more so for college and university sites. In this month's Training Tuesday, Sales Engineer Rich Paul will show you tips, tricks, and best practices for configuring accessible content and design on your site. Led by Sales Engineer Rich Paul.
This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.
Senior Support Specialist Robert Kiffe teaches you how to safely make complex global adjustments to your PCF or HTML pages. Get a brief introduction to regular expressions (regex), the ubiquitous pattern matching syntax that powers most text searching scripts, especially in OU Campus. Learn how to add parameter options, adjust editable regions, fix link URLs, and more.