Visitors and Contacts
Users levels 8 and above can see and export visitor data and use it to optimize your website based on analytics. With the addition of the Known Contact Personalization module, you can also import your student contacts for use in personalization.

Go to Content > Personalization > Visitors (and Contacts) and click the filename for the visitor to see data, as follows:
A person who visits any tracked pages on your website. Visitors are assigned several first-party cookies that are used to uniquely identify them.
The number of sessions for a particular visitor.
A session is the period of time a visitor is active on your website. A session is defined as 30 minutes, so if a visitor is inactive for 30 minutes or more, any future activity is attributed to a new session. Visitors that leave your website and return within 30 minutes are counted as part of the original session.
To download a CSV file containing these details, click Export Visitors or Export Contacts.
Form Data (optional)Link to this section
If you have added the Known Contact Personalization module, click the Form Data tab to see the information this contact submitted using your form.
Contact Details (optional)Link to this section
If you have added the Known Contact Personalization module, click the tab named for your import to see the contact data you integrated from your student information system.