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Personalization Lite Playbook

Guiding Visitors to Personalized CampaignsLink to this section

Use this playbook to establish a new campaign that targets unidentified visitors to your website, using Personalization inside Modern Campus CMS. And check out our guide to Known Contact Personalization.

four steps to building a Personalization campaign

Step 1: Define your goal

  • What are you trying to accomplish?
    • For example, you can drive in-state enrollment, remind visitors to complete applications, or increase grad school applications.
    • Review your school's strategic plan.
    • Set concrete, measurable metrics for your campaign.
      • For instance, “Increase out-of-state enrollment by 5%.”

Step 2: Define your audience

  • Who are you trying to reach to meet your goal?
    • This may include,
      • Students in a certain geographic region,
      • Students who have interacted with certain program pages,
      • Parents who are searching your campus programs, or
      • Students who have started, but not completed, an application.
  • To meet your goal, you should anticipate the needs of your audience.
    • For example, out-of-state students may need access to specific resources, or might be especially interested in out-of-state tuition rates.
      • Does your target audience have specialized interests?
      • Do you have fees, processes, or other items your audience might need to be aware of?

Step 3: Build your content strategy

  • To meet your goal, should you use an HTML banner or forward certain visitors to a new page?
    • Personalization supports three types of dynamic content: HTML block, plain text, and page forwarding.
    • You can also show dynamic content based on website visitor attributes of your website visitors, including pages visited, the number of visits they have made to the website, and/or their geolocation.
    • Which page on your website should trigger the campaign?

Step 4: Set up and launch your campaign

  • Turn on site and page tracking,
  • Build dynamic content,
  • Add the content to your page and publish.

Practical Campaign ExampleLink to this section

Build application urgency using block content

The first time a prospective student visits your home page they will see the default message. The second time, the call to action escalates and they see an application due message. If they visit a couple more times, you can offer the ability to schedule a personal meeting with an advisor to help them through the process.

Goal: Help prospective students complete their applications.

Strategy: Present unique block content on the homepage, based upon the application status of returning visitors.

  1. If this is your first time using Personalization, enable Personalization on your site.
  2. Create the content you want to deliver to returning visitors.
  3. Enable page tracking and add the dynamic content to the page.
    • Choosing a prominent location on your homepage is an easy way to ensure exposure of your chosen content.
  4. Preview and publish the page.
    • See what the page looks like with both variations then Publish the page.

You have launched your first campaign! Contact your Modern Campus Account Manager for additional help with Personalization.

Create HTML Files

Create the HTML file we will use as the default message in our block content, as follows:

  1. Create a personalization folder in Content > Pages.
  2. Click +New.
  3. Select New File.
    • Filename is block-default.html
  4. Click Create.
  5. Create a 1x1 table.
  6. Add text in the table row.
    • For example, You belong at Gallena
  7. Apply a Heading 1 style to the text.
  8. Start a new paragraph in the table row.
  9. Add button text.
    • For example, DISCOVER YOUR PASSION
  10. Go to Source.
  11. Add styles to the table.
    • For example,
<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #2dc26b;">
     <tbody style="background-image: url('/_resources/images/personalization/block-default.png'); background-color: #cccccc; background-size: cover;">
               <td style="height: 100%; width: 100%; text-align: left; padding-top: 30px;">
                       <h1><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: white;">You belong at Gallena</span></h1>
                       <p><button style="background-color: #e0712b; border: none; text-align: center; padding: 8px 9px; color: white; font-size: 12px;">DISCOVER YOUR PASSION</button></p>

Save and Publish this file.

Now, we can copy this file and edit the text, images, and colors to create the HTML files for our "Applications Due" and "Meet with an Advisor" variations.

More Use CasesLink to this section

Check out more of our practical techniques for using Personalization at your school.

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