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Image Size Sets

Level 10 administrators can create an image size set to group multiple sizes of the same image. Image size sets help with responsive or mobile-friendly page designs by loading different sizes of the same image, depending on the layout.

Apply image size sets to folders in the access settings. When an image is uploaded to a folder with a size set applied, copies of the image are created according to the specifications of the image size set.

 Image size sets require binary management to be turned on.

Image SizesLink to this section

An image size set is built of individual image sizes, so you must create image sizes before you make an image size set. Create an image size to specify dimensions, the file name suffix, and aspect ratio for copies of the original image.

The "Edit Image Size" box with a Name field, value of "Mobile." A suffix field, value of "-mobile." Image Dimensions field, with values set for 300 width by 400 height. Aspect Ratio, with radio buttons for Original (an image of a flower) and Crop (the same image but with a cropped portion highlighted), and Crop is selected. Cancel and Save buttons.

The Mobile image size applied to an example image named example.pngcreates a file named example-mobile.png, sized 300 by 400 px, cropped to fit.

Create a new image size, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup Image Size Sets.
  2. Click +New.
  3. Type a name for the image size.
  4. Type a suffix for the image size.
    • The suffix is added the end of the file name of the original image to make the resized copy.
      • For example, if the suffix is set to "-small," an image named campus.png will have a copy named campus-small.png.
    • Two image sizes can't have the same suffix.
  5. Type width and height dimensions.
    • Unit of measurement cannot be changed from pixels.
    • Maximum dimensions are 4000 by 4000.
  6. Select the radio button for "Original" or "Crop" aspect ratio. 
    • "Original" scales images down to fit the dimensions without distorting or cropping the image.
      • For example, if a 400 x 400 px image has an image size of 200 x 300 px applied to it, it will be resized to 200 x 200 px.
    • "Crop," scales images down to fit the dimensions and crops excess.
    • Images can't be scaled up.
  7. Click Create.

Edit an existing image size, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup Image Size Sets.
  2. Click the name of the image size.
  3. In the "Edit Image Size" box, edit the image size.
  4. Click Save.

Editing a size after it was applied to images does not affect the existing images.

Delete an existing image size, as follows

  1. Navigate to Setup Image Size Sets.
  2. Click the More Actions More Actions menu menu for the image size.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. In the "Delete" box, click Delete.

Deleting a size removes it from any image size sets it was included in, but does not affect the existing images.

Image Size SetsLink to this section

Once you have at least one image size, you can make an image size set and apply it to folders. Upload an image to that folder and a copy of that image is made according to each image size.

Use an image size set with only one image size and turn off "Keep original image" to enforce a single image size on any uploads to the specified folder.

To make a new image size set:

  1. Navigate to Setup Image Size Sets.
  2. From the "Image Size Sets" panel, click Size Sets.
  3. Click +New.
  4. In the "New Image Size Set" box, type a name for the set.
    "New Image Size Set" box contains the "Name" field, "Include original image" radio buttons with selections for "Yes" or "No," a table with image sizes that list name, height, width, and whether they crop or not. Two image sizes are selected.
  5. Click a radio button to select whether the original image will be included in the group of linked images created by the image size set.
    • Selecting "No" deletes the original image after the image copies are created.
  6. Click the image size checkbox to include it in the set.
    • Select a minimum of one and a maximum of five image sizes.
  7. Click Save.

Edit an existing image size set, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup Image Size Sets.
  2. Click the name of the image size set.
  3. In the "Edit Image Size Set" box, edit the image size set.
  4. ClickSave.

Editing a size set after it was applied to images does not affect the existing images.

Delete an existing image size set, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Setup Image Size Sets.
  2. Click the More Actions More Actions menu menu for the image size set.
  3. ClickDelete.
  4. In the "Delete" box, click Delete.

Deleting a size set removes it from use but does not affect the existing images.

Use and ManagementLink to this section

Navigate to the access settings for a folder to assign an image size set (available to level 10 users only). Upload image(s) to that folder and copies of the image(s) are created according to the specified sizes. Image size sets are not applied with ZIP import.

Image size sets apply to JPG, JPEG, PNG, and static (non-animated) GIF files. Upload other file types into the folder without the image size set affecting them.

Moving or copying an image from a folder in Modern Campus CMS into a folder with an image size set does not create an image set. Upload image(s) to apply image size sets.

Images in a set are linked for Copy and Rename actions. When one image in the set is copied or renamed, the others are copied or renamed with it.

Edit and Move to Recycle Bin actions affect images individually. If an image in a set is recycled, it is no longer part of that set and is not affected by other file actions, even if the image is restored from recycle.

Image size sets cannot be moved.

Images in a set publish individually. Publish all images in a set before using them on your website to avoid accidental broken images. Depending on how your XSL uses the images, dependency manager may not warn you of unpublished images.

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