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Account-level settings are the highest level available (unless you have Super Admin access). Many settings provide a baseline that are then expanded on, specified, or even potentially overwritten at the site level or lower.

Only level 10 users can edit account settings in Setup > Account.

General SettingsLink to this section

  • Account Name*: The name assigned to your account. This can't be edited.
  • First Name: First name of the account owner or main contact.
  • Last Name: Last name of the account owner or main contact.
  • Email Address: Email address of the account owner or main contact. System messages are sent to this address from
  • Phone: Phone number of the account owner or main contact.
  • Institution: The name of your school or institution.
  • Street, City, State, Zip, Country: Address of your institution.


The identifying information above is not used to contact you, apart from system emails.

Account OptionsLink to this section

  • Time Zone: Set the default time zone for your account. This creates the date/time stamps in the system and affects scheduled actions.
    • If left blank, Modern Campus CMS uses the time zone of the server it's hosted in; for all SaaS customers, this is "America/Los Angeles." Users and sites can have their own time zone, which takes precedence.
  • Locale: This formats the date/time stamps and chooses a default dictionary. The default is "English (United States)," which sets an English-language dictionary and formats date/time stamps as MM/DD/YYYY. Users and sites can have their own locale, which takes precedence.
  • Help URL: Overrides the URL that users go to when they click Help in the Main menu. If left blank, it points to the Modern Campus CMS support site.
  • JustEdit: Set whether the JustEdit interface is disabled or enabled for everyone, or give administrators or users the ability to set it.

Login SettingsLink to this section

  • Failed Login Attempts*: Sets the default number of consecutive failed attempts at logging in before a user is locked out, between one and nine. This cannot be left blank. Administrators can unlock locked-out users from Setup > Users.


Publish SettingsLink to this section

Page Check

Select to enable or disable page check for all users. You can also select that administrators control page check availability per user or let users set page check availability for themselves.

Page Check Options

When you enable page check, select which checks to include from spell, link, W3C, and accessibility.

Spell Check

Identifies spelling errors on the page; users with permission can add words to the custom dictionary

Link Check

Checks the validity of links on the page.

Link Check Exceptions

If a page must pass link check to be published, exceptions don't count as problems that need to be resolved for the page to pass. When you run page or final check is run, exceptions are listed in a separate tab.

Click Manage to see and remove exceptions for specific links.

Exceptions are reported by Insights.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Validate

Checks the HTML markup of the page for W3C compliance against the Nu HTML Checker, including HTML5 standards.

Accessibility Check

Our accessibility checker is built on Axe® and checks pages according to the accessibility guideline you specify. Select this check and then set the guidelines, options, and exceptions.

This automated check scans page content that is visible to the website visitor once it's published. Content that is hidden from a visitor or assistive technology will not be automatically analyzed for accessibility rule violations. So any view that is offscreen—such as dialogs, modals, pop-ups, accordions, or tab regions—cannot be automated for accessibility. Please check these elements manually for accessibility conformance.

This video was recorded in OU Campus v10. While the interface may have a slightly different look, the platform functionalities did not drastically change in the OU Campus 11 release.


Choose which Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) guideline you want to measure against for page check and Insights. Choose from WCAG 2.0 or 2.1 (A-AAA).


Choose which kinds of issues the accessibility check reports on.

Critical issues will always be shown as they result in blocked content for people with disabilities, and will definitely prevent them from accessing fundamental features or content.Serious issues for people with disabilities will partially prevent them from accessing fundamental features or content.Moderate issues for people with disabilities will not prevent them from accessing fundamental features or content.Minor issues are considered to be an annoyance for people with disabilities.
Best Practice

Axe best practice rules are included by default, deselect to disable. These rules do not necessarily conform to WCAG success criterion but are industry-accepted practices that improve the user experience.

Best practice rules are classified the same as WCAG rules, that is, critical, serious, moderate, or minor. If you use Insights, you may see Best Practice rules included in your Accessibility score.

We do not include Axe experimental rules in the accessibility scan.


If a page must pass accessibility check to be published, exceptions don't count as issues that need to be resolved for the page to pass. When page check or final check is run, exceptions are listed in a separate tab.

Exceptions don't appear as items in Insights reports.

Click Manage to see and remove exceptions for a specific accessibility guideline.

Exceptions are specific to the type of guideline chosen. If you change the accessibility guideline used to run checks, you'll have to add new exceptions. However, if you return to a previous guideline that had exceptions configured, those exceptions are still there.

Click Remove Exception, or select multiple exceptions to remove more than one at once.

To add a new exception,

  1. Go to the Available Guidelines tab.
  2. Select a guideline.
  3. Enter a reason for the exception (required).
  4. Click Save.

Publish Threshold

If a user level 8 or lower is performing the publish, define the maximum number of pages that are auto-published when an asset is published, or a page is moved or renamed with dependency manager.

When the pages to be auto-published exceeds the threshold, the user is notified that a level 9 or 10 user needs to complete to the action.

The maximum value is 99,999. If set to 0, there is no limit.

Login PageLink to this section

  • CAS or Shibboleth URL: If you are using CAS or Shibboleth authentication, enter a fully-qualified URL to replace the Modern Campus CMS default login page. For CAS, this should be the CAS service's base URL (without the trailing /login).
  • Announcement URL: If you are using the default Modern Campus CMS login page (LDAP or no external authentication), you can change the content that displays on the page. Enter a full URL of a webpage into the field, and the content is loaded into the iframe on the login page. The page must be HTTPS, but can be any web format. The recommended size is 720 x 600.
  • Logout URL: Set the page that shows up after a user logs out. This is required if you are using CAS or Shibboleth.

WebhooksLink to this section

You can set a webhook based on actions in Modern Campus CMS, including Modern Campus CMS calendar actions. When the action occurs, Modern Campus CMS sends a message to the URL that you set up to receive incoming HTTP requests. The request is HTTP POST containing JSON data about the action.

  1. In the Webhook URL field, enter the URL that you want Modern Campus CMS to send information to.
    • The URL must be HTTPS, have a valid SSL certificate, and be accessible to the Modern Campus CMS server.
    • One URL per account.
  2. Click the Test button to send dummy data to the webhook URL.
    • Test returns the HTTP response, as well as the data your script returns (should there be any).
  3. Allow access for sites and folders to trigger the webhook for actions at these levels.
    • Any action across any site goes to the one webhook specified for the account. This is because a single action can trigger actions across multiple sites, such as republishing an asset that causes page publishes.
    • Bigger operations such as site publish send two webhooks, one for the planned action and one for once the completed action.
    • For actions triggered indirectly by Modern Campus CMS (for example an asset publish that is triggered by renaming or moving files), only the site-level webhook is activated.
    • When you batch-publish, if any files in the batch trigger a webhook, data on all files in the batch are sent in the webhook message.

See the actions that trigger a webhook and the format of a webhook message.

Auxiliary SitesLink to this section

Content located in auxiliary sites isn't handled by dependency manager. Any changes to content names or locations within the auxiliary site need to be updated manually on Modern Campus CMS pages.

Adding an auxiliary site does not create a new site with files or a folder structure; it only allows Modern Campus CMS to retrieve files from a preexisting FTP location.

Auxiliary sites are typically used as repositories for media, such as images and video. They can't be accessed via the Modern Campus CMS interface, apart from when inserting links, images, or videos onto a page, where they are accessible from the list of available servers in the upper-right corner of the file chooser.

An auxiliary site can be on the same production server as the main site and identified as its own website, on a separate server, or even a subfolder of your main website in Modern Campus CMS. In any instance, FTP account settings must be available to set up an auxiliary site. The connection is read-only, and files cannot be uploaded to the auxiliary site via the file chooser.

As many auxiliary sites can be added as necessary. If they are added via account settings, they are accessible from all sites in the account. Auxiliary sites can also be added at the site level.

To create a new auxiliary site from Setup > Account, click +Add. The options are the same as those for the site FTP settings.

An existing auxiliary site can be edited by clicking on its name. To delete an existing site, click the "X" icon next to its name. This doesn't delete files or folders from the site; it only disconnects Modern Campus CMS from the site.

Add-OnsLink to this section

To add custom links to the Add-Ons menu, click+Add, and enter the following information:

  • Name: Enter a friendly name for the add-on, such as the title of the page.
  • URL: Enter the URL to the add-on page.
  • Admin Access Only: Select this for the add-on to only be visible to level 9 and 10 users.
  • Open in New Window: Select this for the add-on to open in a new browser tab.

Add-Ons can be reordered by dragging and dropping them in the list. Click X to delete an add-on.

Optional FeaturesLink to this section

Enable additional features here. Once enabled, some features require additional configuration.

  • Asset Manager: Allow access to viewing and creating assets for all users.
  • Binary Management: Enable binary management for the account. Once enabled, this can be enabled or disabled for each site in site settings.
  • Dependency Manager: Enable dependency manager for the account. Turning off dependency manager does not remove dependency tags. To turn dependency tags back into links, revert the sites.
  • Layouts: Allow administrators and users to create reusable page layouts (similar to templates) using a drag and drop interface.
    • Click Configure to assign group access.
      • Grant access for users who will create and edit the layouts that are used to create pages.
      • Grant access to Tiles and Frames for users who will create and edit the tiles and frames used to create layouts.
      • Grant access to Styles for users who will edit the CSS used by layouts.
  • Form & Gallery Assets: Enable the creation of form and gallery assets.
  • Reveal Site Password: Show the Production Server FTP password in site settings to any user (level 10 administrators only) viewing the settings.

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