To add a table:
- While editing an editable region, click the Table button
in the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) toolbar.
- Hover over the "Table" option in the dropdown menu.
- Hover over the grid to select the number of columns and rows.
- Click to insert table.
To edit a table:
- Click inside an existing table.
- Click the Tablebutton.
- From the "Table" dropdown, hover and click the following options:
- Toggle Table Outlines: Show or hide table grid lines.
- Cell: Merge or split cells and edit cell properties.
- Row: Insert, delete, cut, copy, paste a row or edit row properties.
- Column: Insert or delete a column.
- Table Properties.
- Delete table.
See WYSIWYG Editor Advanced Fields for additional table options.
Cell PropertiesLink to this section
In the "Cell Properties" box specify the following:
- Width: Width of the cell, in percentage.
- Height: Height of the cell, in pixels.
- Cell Type: "Cell" or "Header Cell."
- Scope: The cell is a header for "None," "Row," "Column," "Row Group," or "Column Group."
- H Align: Horizontal alignment of the content within the cell.
- V Align: Vertical alignment of the content within the cell.
- Class: Styling for the cell.
Click Save.
Row PropertiesLink to this section
In the "Row Properties" box specify the following:
- Row Type: The row is a "Body," "Header," or "Footer."
- Alignment: Alignment of row content "Left," "Center," "Right," or "None."
- Height: The height of the row, in pixels.
- Class: Styling for the row.
Click Save.
Table PropertiesLink to this section
In the "Table Properties" box specify the following:
- Width: Width of the table, in percentage.
- Height: Height of the table, in pixels.
- Cell spacing: Space between cells, in pixels.
- Cell padding: Space inside cells between the border and the content, in pixels.
- Border: Thickness of cell borders, in pixels.
- Show Caption: Addition of space for a caption above the table.
- Alignment: Alignment of the table on the page "Left," "Center," "Right," or "None."
- Class: Styling for the table.
Click Save.