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Page properties control preconfigured aspects of a page—title, metadata, and custom settings such as layout or header content. To view properties, the page must be checked out to you. Only users levels 5 through 10 can edit page properties

There are two ways to access properties:

  • While viewing a checked-out page, click Properties in the page actions toolbar.
  • From Content > Pages, check out the page, click More ActionsMore Actions Menu> EditProperties.

ParametersLink to this section

The following fields are always present in the Parameters section for pages created from templates (Publish Control Files [PCFs]):

  • Title: The title that displays on your live website.
  • Description: Displayed by search engines if the page comes up as a search result.
  • Tags: Tags in Modern Campus CMS filter content, and (depending on your site design) are used to categorize news and search results. Type into the field to enter tags; any preexisting tags appear in the dropdown, but you can also add new tags to the page. Depending on the tag access settings, your choice of tags may be restricted.

Other commonly-used fields include Author (common on news and blog articles) and Keywords (used for limited search engine optimization [SEO] purposes).


In the Parameters section for pages created from layouts (Layout Control Files [LCFs]), you can name and add this page to the breadcrumb navigation for the folder and/or site.

Custom SettingsLink to this section

Custom settings vary from site to site and from page type to page type; therefore, if you have questions about a specific field, we recommend contacting an administrator at your institution. Some commonly-used fields include:

  • Page Heading: The title that displays on the page itself.
  • Page Type and Column Options: Display as a one-, two-, or three-column layout, with additional options for configuring the columns' content.
  • Additional Editable Regions: Enable or disable editable regions for a page.
  • Image Slider Region: Add an image gallery asset to the page.
  • Meta Tags: Used by browsers and search engines.
  • Head Code: Used for page metadata and tracking.

Click Save to save any changes. Just like editing page content, you must click Publish for changes to appear on the live website.

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