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Public Events Page

The public events page displays your calendar(s) on any website. To display the public events page, embed the calendar code on any PCF or HTML page. 

AppearanceLink to this section

Get up and running quickly by styling the appearance of your public events page using theme colors, fonts, and header image. 

public events pages with quick styling changes


With small changes to your appearance settings you can tailor your public events page to your school's branding. With additional development, you can use CSS to build your own custom design.

Visitor OptionsLink to this section

Visitors can choose to see your events as a list or as a grid. They can search published events by title, description, organizer, or location. Or filter the public events page to see events by date and/or by event category. Events in the grid view can also be filtered by Previous or Upcoming. Then copy the URL to link to the searched or filtered view. 

Visitors can add events to their own calendar or RSS feed, and submit events (if enabled).

Submit Event

When you enable public submissions and the form link, visitors can submit events for inclusion in the calendar, without requiring CMS access. See the predefined submission form.

Then, users with access can review the details and publish to ensure only the right events are added to the calendar.


Share this calendar with other services and applications. You can also add individual events to other calendars.

  1. To download an ICS file containing the full calendar, click Outlook/iCal.


  2. To get the ICS link containing the full calendar, right-click Outlook/iCal and copy the URL.


Copy the RSS text and add it to your web page to show a list of events as a summary with a link to more details.

  1. Click Add to RSS to open a new tab with the RSS text to copy.

Event Details

Click an event to see more details, like locations, organizers, links, and recurrence.

event details

You can add an event to other calendars by downloading an ICS file. To download an ICS file for an event, click Add to my calendar on the event details page. If your event uses RSVPs, attendees will manage their responses using email rather than the ICS file they added to their calendar.

When you enable event tracking, you can create a Personalization campaign for visitors who click on your events. 

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