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Get started with CMS Calendar

Enable the calendar module for your site(s)Link to this section

After you have purchased the calendar module you can enable it for your site(s). Level 10 administrators,

  1. Go to Setup > Sites > Optional Features.
  2. Select the checkbox for Calendar Module.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Select the checkboxes enable calendar attributes,
    • show event locations and/or event organizers on your public calendar,
    • allow content editors to add or delete locations and/or organizers, and
    • allow content editors to add new event categories.
      • If not selected, content editors can choose from the categories created by administrators.
  5. Choose a default location for users to be placed when choosing an image to insert.
    • Must be a subfolder of the site root, for example /public_html/images.
  6. Select the checkbox to enable your website visitors to RSVP for your events.
    • See additional instructions to complete RSVP setup.
  7. Select the checkbox to enable your website visitors to submit events.
  8. In the Calendar Configuration box, click Save.
  9. In the Site Settings page, click Save.

You can enable the calendar module individually for each site. Or create calendars in one site and embed them in all sites in your account.

You can also move or delete your calendar module from sites.

If you delete a site that has the calendar module enabled, your data may be lost. Please notify the CMS Support Resource Portal (login required) before deleting a site that has calendar.

Set up your calendar moduleLink to this section

Find your main site calendar as an add-on in the Main menu. Levels 9 and 10 administrators, determine the appearance settings for your public events page. These settings get you up and running quickly. For more advanced styling options, use CSS to customize the styles on your public events page.

public events page with Calendar > Settings

These settings are global; they apply to all instances of your public events page. You can override some of these settings for select calendars.

  1. Go to Add-Ons > Calendar > Settings.
  2. Type to enter the title for your public events page.
  3. Type to enter the subtitle for your pubic events page.
  4. Set the time zone for the events on your public events page.
  5. Type to enter a label for the time zone that will show on your public events page.
    • For example, PST or Pacific.
  6. Choose an image to display in the header of your public events page.
  7. Type to enter a short written description (alt text) of the header image.
  8. In the dropdown, select the font to use on your public events page.
  9. Select whether your page shows public events as a list or a grid for its default view.
    • Events in the grid view can be filtered by Previous or Upcoming, in addition to date and/or event category filtering.
  10. Select whether your public events page shows all events or featured events for its default view.
  11. Choose the theme color for your public events page.
  12. Select whether your public events page shows featured events in a slider.
    • See the featured events slider at the top of the event details page when two or more featured events are present.
    • Maximum 25 events.
  13. Select whether your public events page automatically loads more events when visitors scroll to the end of the events list (infinite scroll).
    • By default, visitors will see 30 days of events, from today, with an option to Load More Events.
  14. Enter a Google Maps API key to allow maps to be shown on event details pages.
    • You can show or hide maps for each location in Add-Ons > Calendar > Attributes.
  15. Select to show the organizer contact information on your public event details, with a mailto email link.
  16. Select to enable tracking of the visitors to your public event details page, for use in Personalization.
  17. Click Save.

Public Submission

  1. Select Public Submission to enable your website visitors to submit events. Then, review and publish to your public events page.
  2. Select Show Link to Form to show a link on your public events page to the event submission form.
    • Optionally, enter a password requirement for users to submit the form.
    • "Disable" will not show a link on your public events page but visitors can submit events by adding #event-submission to the end of the full calendar URL.
      • For example:
  3. Click Save.

Then, set up Google CAPTCHA to allow public submissions.


You can enable automated registration and cancellation emails and/or email attendees manually. In addition to Google CAPTCHA, we protect your calendar by using temporary, one-time codes in automated emails to verify attendees.

  1. Select RSVP to enable your website visitors to RSVP for your events.
  2. Select Enable Emails to send automated RSVP emails to your attendees.
    • You can disable automated emails on individual events.
    • Automated emails include the following:
      • Registering for an event, with a one-time code (See Sample Email 1)
      • Verification of valid email, with ICS file containing event details (See Sample Email 2)
      • Canceling your attendance at an event, with a one-time code
      • Verification of valid email used in cancellation
      • Notifications of a canceled or postponed (single, nonrecurring only) event

registration email

Sample Email 1: Automated email sent when attendees register for an event

confirmation email

Sample Email 2: Automated email sent when attendees verify their email

  1. Type to enter a reply email address for automated emails, adjustable per event.
    • All emails send from Reply Name via Modern Campus Modern Campus CMS Calendar <>.
  2. Type to enter the reply name that will display in automated emails, adjustable per event.
    • Reply email and name are required when using automated emails.
  3. Select an image for the header of automated emails.
    • Recommended image size is 400 pixels in width (maximum) and 150 pixels in height.
  4. Type to enter alt text for your email header image.
  5. Type to enter text that will display in the automated email header, under the header image.
    • For example, your school's branding message.
  6. Click Save.

Then, set up Google CAPTCHA to allow secure RSVPs.

You're ready to add RSVPs to events and manage attendee lists in Modern Campus CMS.


To protect your website, enabling public submission and/or RSVPs requires you to enter Google reCAPTCHA v3 API keys (Site and Secret). By registering for or submitting an event, your visitors are agreeing to Google's reCAPTCHA policies: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Create calendarsLink to this section

Administrators will create individual calendars and grant access and approval rights to user groups. You can also subscribe to ICS feeds that are managed outside of Modern Campus CMS.

calendar expander

New calendar

You can create as many individual calendars as you need. Create individual calendars as follows:

  1. Go to Add-Ons > Calendar > Overview.
  2. In the Event Calendar panel, click to expand Calendars.
  3. Click New Calendar.
  4. Type to enter calendar name.

New subscription

If you manage events outside of Modern Campus CMS, for example using Involve, add a subscription to show the events on your Modern Campus CMS public events page.

  1. Go to Add-Ons > Calendar > Overview.
  2. In the Event Calendar panel, click to expand Calendars.
  3. Click New Subscription.
  4. Type to enter subscription name.
  5. Enter the public URL (ending in .ics) of the trusted* external iCalendar feed.
    • You can usually find the URL in the Settings of your calendar provider.
  6. In the dropdown, select how often you would like to synchronize the external calendar with Modern Campus CMS.
    • Since events are managed in the external calendar, Modern Campus CMS updates external calendar events every time they are synchronized.

*Check the URL domain to ensure it is safe. Modern Campus CMS prevents potentially malicious script tags and attributes from being added to the calendar by allowing only the following:

a, b, blockquote, br, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, div, dl, dt, em, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, i, img, li, ol, p, pre, q, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, u, ul

Other tags and attributes will display as text.

Set group access and approvals

Then, choose or create the group that can access and/or approve events for that calendar or subscription. When you add a subscription, events are automatically published.

Level 9 and 10 administrators have access rights to all calendars and subscriptions.

  1. In the dropdown, select the group that can access the calendar or subscription.
  2. In the dropdown, select the group that can publish events to the calendar.
    • Approval settings are independent of workflow and apply to this calendar only.
      calendar access
  3. Enter a hex code to change the color label for this calendar or subscription.
  4. Click Add.

Add Events

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